Doobie Brothers

In concert, they're a kinetic whirlwind of activity
Why see Doobie Brothers?
Over 50 years With The Doobie Brothers
Blue-eyed soul and soft rockers The Doobie Brothers have become an indelible part of the American musical landscape, making their mark as a durable and resilient band that fearlessly embrace genres ranging from RnB to classic rock and boogie. Their incredible 50-year+ + career has seen a host of talented performers join their evolving line-up including crooner Michael McDonald and guitarist Jeff "Skunk" Baxter.
With an average age of 74, the group continues to tour and produce albums with no plans to slow down just yet. Don't miss The Doobie Brothers when they come to a city near you!
Key Information
US Dollars
Customer reviews
Didn't Miss A Beat
J. Michaels
Doobies Thousand Oaks, Ca 4-8-18
Rocking Rob
Doobie Brothers rock Camden, NJ