AJ Croce

talented musicianship and original songwriting
Why see AJ Croce?
Aj Croce Hits The Road
Following on from his Croce Plays Croce shows celebrating the music of his father Jim, AJ Croce is back on the road in his own right, playing music from across his prolific 30 year discography. The Pennsylvania-born, now Tennessee native artist is a worthy successor to his father's legacy while carving his own path with a sound that embraces American music traditions while being very much his own.
Croce has released ten studio albums since his self-titled debut in 1993, including the award-winning 2004 effort (and effectively a second self-titled record) Adrian James Croce, which was the only self-produced album that year to hit the US Top-40.
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Upcoming Performances
Customer reviews
Brian Hogan
AJ Croce at Cabot Beverly Ma